Show raw api
"functions": [
"name": "getPartsBoundingBox",
"desc": "Retrieves a bounding box for a given set of parts",
"params": [
"name": "parts",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "{ Instance | { { CFrame: CFrame, Size: Vector3 } }"
"name": "relativeTo",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame?"
"returns": [
"desc": "size",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"desc": "position",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 16,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "clampPointToBoundingBox",
"desc": "Clamps a point inside of a given bounding box\n\nSee:",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "CFrame of bounding box",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "Size of bounding box",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "point",
"desc": "Point to transform",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "Clamped point",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"desc": "Center of bounding box",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 31,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "pushPointToLieOnBoundingBox",
"desc": "Pushes a point to lie within the bounding box",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "CFrame of bounding box",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "Size of bounding box",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "point",
"desc": "Point to transform",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 49,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "getChildrenBoundingBox",
"desc": "Given a parent, retrieve the bounding box for this parent",
"params": [
"name": "parent",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Instance"
"name": "relativeTo",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame?"
"returns": [
"desc": "size",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"desc": "position",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 66,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "axisAlignedBoxSize",
"desc": "Returns the size of an axis aligned bounding box for a given CFrame",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [],
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 87,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "getBoundingBox",
"desc": "Gets a boundingBox for the given data.\n\nSee:",
"params": [
"name": "data",
"desc": "List of things with both Size and CFrame",
"lua_type": "Instance | { { CFrame: CFrame; Size: Vector3 }"
"name": "relativeTo",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame?"
"returns": [
"desc": "size",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"desc": "position",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 112,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "inBoundingBox",
"desc": "Returns if a point is in a bounding box",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "testPosition",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "boolean"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 164,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "inCylinderBoundingBox",
"desc": "Returns if a point is in a bounding box defined by a Roblox part with the Cylinder shape.",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "testPosition",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "boolean"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 185,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"name": "inBallBoundingBox",
"desc": "Returns if a point is in a bounding box defined by a Roblox part with the ball shape.",
"params": [
"name": "cframe",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "CFrame"
"name": "size",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "testPosition",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "boolean"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 204,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"
"properties": [],
"types": [],
"name": "BoundingBoxUtils",
"desc": "Bounding box utilties. Prefer model:GetBoundingBox() in most cases. However, sometimes grouping isn't possible.",
"source": {
"line": 5,
"path": "src/boundingboxutils/src/Shared/BoundingBoxUtils.lua"