Show raw api
"functions": [
"name": "getHumanoidPositionDirection",
"desc": "Gets humanoid position and direction.",
"params": [
"name": "humanoid",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Humanoid"
"returns": [
"desc": "Position",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"desc": "LookVector",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 43,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "getAdorneeInRegionSet",
"desc": "Finds adornees in a region",
"params": [
"name": "position",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "radius",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "ignoreList",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "{ Instance }"
"name": "getAdorneeFunction",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "(Instance) -> Instance?"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "{ [Instance]: true }"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 61,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "debugScore",
"desc": "Draws the score in debug mode",
"params": [
"name": "adornee",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Instance"
"name": "score",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"returns": [],
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 83,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "raycastToAdornee",
"desc": "Raycasts to adornee",
"params": [
"name": "raycaster",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Raycaster"
"name": "humanoidCenter",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "adornee",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Instance"
"name": "closestBoundingBoxPoint",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "extraDistance",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"returns": [
"desc": "Hit position",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 104,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "clampToBoundingBox",
"desc": "Clamps the humanoid center to the adornee bounding box, finding the nearest point.\n\n:::info\nWe do this because we want to raycast to the closest point on the adornee, which will\nensure we hit it, especially for larger adornees.\n:::",
"params": [
"name": "adornee",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Instance"
"name": "humanoidCenter",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"returns": [
"desc": "clamped point",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"desc": "center of bounding box",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 154,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "scoreAdornee",
"desc": "Scores the adornee as a target for showing as a target in terms of priority.",
"params": [
"name": "adornee",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Instance"
"name": "raycaster",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Raycaster"
"name": "humanoidCenter",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "humanoidLookVector",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3"
"name": "maxViewRadius",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxTriggerRadius",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxViewAngle",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxTriggerAngle",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "isLineOfSightRequired",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "boolean"
"returns": [
"desc": "[0, 1]",
"lua_type": "boolean | number"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 180,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "scoreDist",
"desc": "Scores the distance based upon a variety of mechanics",
"params": [
"name": "distance",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxViewDistance",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxTriggerRadius",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"returns": [
"desc": "[0, 1]",
"lua_type": "number"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 267,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"name": "scoreAngle",
"desc": "Scores the angle based upon parameters",
"params": [
"name": "angle",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxViewAngle",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"name": "maxTriggerAngle",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"returns": [
"desc": "[0, 1]",
"lua_type": "number"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 290,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"
"properties": [],
"types": [],
"name": "HintScoringUtils",
"desc": "Utility functions that let you score a proximity prompt (i.e. a Hint)\nbased upon its relation to a character in 3D space.",
"source": {
"line": 7,
"path": "src/hintscoringutils/src/Client/HintScoringUtils.lua"