Show raw api
"functions": [
"name": "new",
"desc": "Constructs a new IKRigAimerLocalPlayer. Should not be used directly.\nSee [IKServiceClient] for the correct usage.",
"params": [
"name": "serviceBag",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "ServiceBag"
"name": "ikRig",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "IKRigClient"
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "IKRigAimerLocalPlayer"
"function_type": "static",
"source": {
"line": 30,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"
"name": "SetLookAround",
"desc": "Sets whether the local player should look around automatically.",
"params": [
"name": "lookAround",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "boolean"
"returns": [],
"function_type": "method",
"source": {
"line": 52,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"
"name": "SetAimPosition",
"desc": "Sets the aim position for the local player for this frame. See [IKAimPositionPriorites].",
"params": [
"name": "position",
"desc": "May be nil to say to aim at nothing",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"name": "optionalPriority",
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "number"
"returns": [],
"function_type": "method",
"source": {
"line": 64,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"
"name": "GetAimPosition",
"desc": "Gets the current aim position.",
"params": [],
"returns": [
"desc": "",
"lua_type": "Vector3?"
"function_type": "method",
"source": {
"line": 119,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"
"name": "UpdateStepped",
"desc": "Updates the aimer on stepped.",
"params": [],
"returns": [],
"function_type": "method",
"private": true,
"source": {
"line": 156,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"
"properties": [],
"types": [],
"name": "IKRigAimerLocalPlayer",
"desc": "Handles repliation and aiming of the local player's character for\nIK.",
"realm": [
"source": {
"line": 8,
"path": "src/ik/src/Client/Rig/IKRigAimerLocalPlayer.lua"