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This item only works when running on the client. Client
This was deprecated in 15.11.2
This item is deprecated. Do not use it for new work.

Holds binders for Ragdolls on the client. Be sure to initialize on the server. See RagdollBindersClient for details. Be sure to use a ServiceBag to initialize this service.


Binders can be retrieved directly through a ServiceBag now.



RagdollBindersClient.Ragdoll: Binder<RagdollClient>

Apply this binder to a humanoid to ragdoll it. Humanoid must already have Ragdollable defined.

local ragdoll = serviceBag:GetService(RagdollBindersClient).Ragdoll:Get(humanoid)
if ragdoll then
	print("Is ragdolled")
	print("Not ragdolled")


RagdollBindersClient.Ragdollable: Binder<RagdollableClient>

Enables ragdolling on a humanoid.


RagdollBindersClient.RagdollaRagdollHumanoidOnDeathble: Binder<RagdollHumanoidOnDeathClient>

Automatically applies ragdoll upon humanoid death.


RagdollBindersClient.RagdollHumanoidOnFall: Binder<RagdollHumanoidOnFallClient>

Automatically applies ragdoll upon humanoid fall.

Show raw api
    "functions": [],
    "properties": [
            "name": "Ragdoll",
            "desc": "Apply this binder to a humanoid to ragdoll it. Humanoid must already have [Ragdollable] defined.\n\n```lua\nlocal ragdoll = serviceBag:GetService(RagdollBindersClient).Ragdoll:Get(humanoid)\nif ragdoll then\n\tprint(\"Is ragdolled\")\nelse\n\tprint(\"Not ragdolled\")\nend\n```",
            "lua_type": "Binder<RagdollClient>",
            "source": {
                "line": 33,
                "path": "src/ragdoll/src/Client/RagdollBindersClient.lua"
            "name": "Ragdollable",
            "desc": "Enables ragdolling on a humanoid.",
            "lua_type": "Binder<RagdollableClient>",
            "source": {
                "line": 40,
                "path": "src/ragdoll/src/Client/RagdollBindersClient.lua"
            "name": "RagdollaRagdollHumanoidOnDeathble",
            "desc": "Automatically applies ragdoll upon humanoid death.",
            "lua_type": "Binder<RagdollHumanoidOnDeathClient>",
            "source": {
                "line": 47,
                "path": "src/ragdoll/src/Client/RagdollBindersClient.lua"
            "name": "RagdollHumanoidOnFall",
            "desc": "Automatically applies ragdoll upon humanoid fall.",
            "lua_type": "Binder<RagdollHumanoidOnFallClient>",
            "source": {
                "line": 54,
                "path": "src/ragdoll/src/Client/RagdollBindersClient.lua"
    "types": [],
    "name": "RagdollBindersClient",
    "desc": "Holds binders for Ragdolls on the client. Be sure to initialize on the server. See [RagdollBindersClient] for details.\nBe sure to use a [ServiceBag] to initialize this service.\n\n:::tip\nBinders can be retrieved directly through a [ServiceBag] now.\n:::",
    "realm": [
    "deprecated": {
        "version": "15.11.2",
        "desc": null
    "source": {
        "line": 13,
        "path": "src/ragdoll/src/Client/RagdollBindersClient.lua"